Christy learned to sew as a young girl and for many years enjoyed making clothing for herself and her children, home décor and quilts. She developed a love for the colors, designs, and textures of beautiful fabrics.
As an empty-nester Christy branched into artistic quilting and wall hangings, largely inspired by Gee’s Bend quilts. A major progression in Christy’s fabric art developed after attending Penland School of Craft in NC for a week-long class entitled “Maximalist Embroidery.” Learning new techniques and freeform artistic expression opened Christy’s eyes to the incredible world of fiber art!
Initially focusing on “memory” wall hangings for relatives utilizing pieces of heirloom embroidered linens, old clothing, and other remnants and bits, Christy’s work has evolved to include more abstract and impressionistic fiber art. Facebook groups and YouTube instruction offer endless opportunities to learn from other artists.
The local arts group provides members encouragement to submit their work for display and sale in gallery shows. In the last two years, Christy has had work accepted into juried shows at Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts, LibertyTown Arts Workshop, and Crossroads Art Center in Richmond. She also participates in community shows sponsored by LOWArts.
Contact Christy via email at